# # arev:/usr/local/unicat/unireq/beamreq/req00145.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #145 # created Fri Dec 01 15:26:17 CST 2000 # collaboration: No collaborator+Hawoong: on collaborator+Jenia: on collaborator+Paul: on collaborator+Pete: on contact: srbare@uop.com days: 4 description: This experiment will be a continuation of the high-throughout combined powder XRD, XRF and XANES characterization of combinatorially-prepared metal oxides. The phase diagram of manganese phosphate and manganese-iron phosphates will be explored. These oxides will be prepared via hydrothermal combinatorial methods at UOP, and then characterized at UNICAT using powder XRD (using CCD detector) for phase identification, XRF for elemental identification, and XANES (at the Mn and Fe K-edges) for oxidation state information. Our prior initial feasibility experiments in July, 2000 demonstrated that this approach to be an excellent way of characterizing similar samples. We also learned a great deal of information about how to best conduct these experiments, and this knowledge will be used to ensure greater overall success with these planned experiments. equipment+required: XYZ-theta stage, CCD detector, ion chambers, slits, Ge solid state detector and electronics experiment: High-throughput characterization of Mn phosphates and Mn-Fe phosphates foreign+nationals: S.R. Bare hazards: There are no unusual specific hazards associated with this experiment. The samples are essentially non-hazardous metal oxides and will be encapsulated in the sample holders. name: Simon R. Bare new+request: on nonmembers: None station: 33ID-D unacceptable+dates: January 17-20 February 1-8 February 16-19 March 19-31 #QUERY_STRING: #REMOTE_HOST: dplproxy1.internal.uop.com #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 1586 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/unireq.htm #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows NT; DigExt)