# # arev:/usr/local/unicat/unireq/beamreq/req00164.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #164 # created Wed Mar 07 16:14:36 CST 2001 # collaboration: No collaborator+Pete: on contact: ilavsky@aps.anl.gov days: 6 description: We will test setup of the USAXS and SB-USAXS at higher energies - in the range of 17 to 19 keV. The setup includes use of new set of Si crystals (220) and testing of the systems performance. Further we will study ceramic thermally sprayed samples under these conditions. These samples cannot be prepared reliably at thicknesses suitable for around 10keV, due to fragility and high absorption. We will further include range of our standard materials as well as other research materials, which we currently examin with standard USAXS (at 9-11 keV) to verify performance of the overall system. List of samples will be finalized later, but will include also UNICAT USAXS standards, glassy carbon etc. Because we want to use SB USAXS and map out anisotropy of these samples, minimum number of days is 5. equipment+required: USAXS experiment: USAXS %26 SB USAXS at 17-19keV foreign+nationals: hazards: All samples should be solids with no special safety precautions... minimumdays: 5 name: Jan Ilavsky new+request: on nonmembers: station: 33ID-D unacceptable+dates: May 28 - June 2 July 6th and later #QUERY_STRING: #REMOTE_HOST: prg.uni.aps.anl.gov #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 1206 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/unireq.htm #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)