# # top.uni.aps.anl.gov:/home/www/beamtime-requests/req00200.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #200 # created Fri Sep 28 10:51:31 CDT 2001 # beamline: 33ID collaboration: No contact: t-chiang@uiuc.edu days: 4 description: Strontium titanate undergoes a structural phase transition at ~100K from a RT cubic phase to a tetragonal phase at lower temperatures. This is a second order displacive transition driven by the softening of a zone-boundary optical phonon mode at the R-point in reciprocal space. The optical phonon mode when fully softened at Tc breaks into two new acoustic modes at the new zone center (old R-point). The hardening of these modes under further cooling is responsible for two other phase transitions found in transport measurements at 65 K and 37 K (when each of the new modes crosses a previously existing mode). The planned experiment is to use x-ray thermal diffuse scattering to observe phonon frequency change at the R-point over a wide temperature range. This should provide detailed information on the nature of all three accessible phase transitions. Suitable analysis of acquired lineshapes may also resolve the issue of how the elastic 'central peak' observed in neutron scattering manifests in x-ray diffuse scattering. equipment+required: Displex, high resolution diffractometer experiment: Phonon softening in SrTiO3 foreign+nationals: Ma Zhong Quam hazards: All samples are stable in air. Usual cryogenic procedures for the closed cycle displex. minimumdays: 3 name: T.-C. Chiang nonmembers: unacceptable+dates: #REMOTE_HOST: chiangpc9.mrl.uiuc.edu #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 1529 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/unireq.htm #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.61 [en] (Win95; I)