#################################################### # Jan Ilavsky # requesting 9 days, at minimum=8 days # beamline 33ID, "Side-Bounce USAXS, studies of TBC and polymers" #################################################### # top:/home/www/beamtime-requests/req00261.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #261 # created Mon Apr 08 13:49:25 CDT 2002 #################################################### beamline: 33ID collaboration: No collaborator+Pete: on contact: x0866 or ilavsky@aps.anl.gov days: 9 description: We will setup SBUSAXS and run two experiments: 1. Studies of EBPVD TBC deposits. This is continuation of our ongoing internal program for evaulation of anisotropic ceramic deposits. (5 - 6 days) 2. Studies of fillers in the polymers. This is first "user" type experiment on SBUSAXS. Dale Schaefer will work with us on use of SBUSAXS for studies of strained filled polymer materials. We will install strain stage in the USAXS instrument and study anisotropy of the SAS from such samples. (2 days) equipment+required: SBUSAXS experiment: Side-Bounce USAXS, studies of TBC and polymers foreign+nationals: Anand Kulkarni is current user so no problem. There are no new collaborators expected... hazards: All samples are solids, safe, no hazards expected. minimumdays: 8 name: Jan Ilavsky new+request: on nonmembers: Dale Schaefer, Annad Kulkarni unacceptable+dates: We have long list of participants, so this list is awfully long. May 20 - July 3 .... This is Dale's list, I am trying to check if this is really unaccaptable or just inconvenient at this time... Note, that Dale is coming for 2 days only, so schedule can be crossing into his unaccaptable days as long as two days are out... Others: June 3 - 7 June 23 - July 7 July 14 - 20 August 4 - 12 August 24 - 31 I would prefer time in June or July myself... We need Pete to be around. #REMOTE_HOST: bas.uni.aps.anl.gov #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 1559 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/unireq.htm #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows 98; Q312461; AT&T CSM6.0)