#################################################### # Jenia Karapetrova # requesting 1 days, at minimum=1 days # beamline 33BM, "Topo and XAFS study" #################################################### # top:/home/www/beamtime-requests/req00290.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #290 # created Tue Sep 03 12:14:31 CDT 2002 #################################################### beamline: 33BM collaboration: Yes collaborator+Jenia: on contact: jenia@anl.gov days: 1 description: Study of the beam line performance equipment+required: experiment: Topo and XAFS study foreign+nationals: hazards: minimumdays: 1 name: Jenia Karapetrova nonmembers: unacceptable+dates: #REMOTE_HOST: hhh.uni.aps.anl.gov #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 279 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/unireq.htm #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; m18) Gecko/20001108 Netscape6/6.0