#################################################### # Joseph Woicik # requesting 6 days, at minimum=6 days # beamline 33BM, "EXAFS of LaAlO3 films on Si" #################################################### # top:/home/www/beamtime-requests/req00441.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #441 # created Wed Aug 20 12:00:46 CDT 2003 #################################################### beamline: 33BM collaboration: No collaborator_Jenia: ON contact: woicik@anl.gov days: 6 description: EXAFS of LaAlO3 films on Si La L3 edge exafs and possibly La K edge exafs films will be measured in fluorescence and glancing incidence while spinning equipment_required: experiment: EXAFS of LaAlO3 films on Si foreign_nationals: hazards: None. minimumdays: 6 name: Joseph Woicik new_request: ON nonmembers: unacceptable_dates: Motorola is re-locating their MBE machine, so this time needs to come at the end of the run. I propose starting december 10 and running to the end which is december 21. in the middle i should like to change crystals. (see next submission.) z34ID_details: #REMOTE_HOST: searose.uni.aps.anl.gov #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 725 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/unireq.htm #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826