#################################################### # Ian Robinson # requesting 6 days, at minimum=4 days # beamline 34ID-C, CXD study of magnetic domains in Chromium # instrument 34ID-C coherent #################################################### # top:/home/www/beamtime-requests/req01023.txt # UNICAT Member Beam Time Request #1023 # created Tue Aug 22 09:01:15 CDT 2006 #################################################### apsrun: 2006-03 beamline: 34ID-C collaboration: Yes contact: i.robinson@ucl.ac.uk days: 6 description: Coherent X-ray Diffraction will be used to measure speckle from a small region of a Cr crystal. KB mirrors will be used to illuminate a micron-sized spot. Large Magnetostriction effects cause strong setellite peaks around the 200 reflection that are due to Cr's spin density wave. THe SDW breaks the symmetry into domains, following the 100 directions of the crystal. CXD on the satellite peak gives a speckle pattern of the domains. The experiment has been tried before at sectors 33-ID and 8-ID, but should benefit from the diffractometer geometry and excellent beam propertries of 34-ID-C. equipment_required: experiment: CXD study of magnetic domains in Chromium foreign_nationals: Oleg Shpyrko (at ANL) Ana Diaz hazards: Liquid helium cooled cryostat will be installed by Oleg Shpyrko as used in previous runs. instrument: 34ID-C coherent instrument_other: minimumdays: 4 name: Ian Robinson new_request: ON nonmembers: Oleg Shpyrko Eric Isaacs Gabriel Aeppli Ana Diaz submit: Submit unacceptable_dates: z34ID_change_undulator: no z34ID_details: Because it is a well-rehearsed experiment with liquid helium fill cycles, we don't want to lose beamtime. We also need to stay away from the Cr K-edge z34ID_parasitic: no #REMOTE_HOST: visitor1.phys.ucl.ac.uk #REMOTE_ADDR: #CONTENT_LENGTH: 1342 #HTTP_REFERER: http://www.uni.aps.anl.gov/admin/unireq.html #HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0