This is a very short readme file. To start it, put into your procedure window the following line: #include "KB_mirrors", version>=3.0 Then execute the command (actually this may be optional, but do it anyhow): KB_mirror_InitPackage() Then there will be a new "K-B mirrors" menu First "Load LTP slope file" Second "Fit an LTP Mirror Profile" optionally: Third "Show height from LTP" Section about deposition profiles may not apply to you. Sections about "Display the actual rays" and "Show Spot Size" are not the best, and may not work well. The submenu "Multiple" is also probably irrelevant to you. Concernting fitting. Early on I decided to stay away from a fit that used rays, so I fit the measured slope (LTP data) to the slope of an ideal ellipse. The ideal ellipse has distance from ideal mirror center to source is s1, ideal mirror center to focus is s2. The fitting options are: "Fix s2 & xoffset" This will lock the center of the mirror at the given distance from the focus (s2). s1 will be fixed. "Fix s2" This will fix both the distance s2 and s1 but allow the mirror to slide along the ellipse to find the best position (the xoffset). "vary s2" This is usually a bad choice since s2 and xoffset are almost identical. The angle is always fitted, and it is reported as tilt = xxxx. NOTE, on input, all values are in meters (not mm or nm or micron). Afterwards, the units should be shown. At the beginning of the fit, the program puts up a graph and tells you to select the region to fit. Just move the cursors to show the desired region to fit and then press the continue button. This allows you to trim off some on both ends of the mirror. When done fitting, the graph will show "center-focus" = xxx mm. This will be the actual distance from the center of the mirror to the focus. Also after the fit, look at the cross-corrleations matrix on the plot. If the values are all +/- 1 then you might consider simplifying the fit (this why I say do not use "vary s2"). The top part of the graph shows the errors (residuals). One the left is the actual in micro-radians, and on the right, I have converted to nm by just taking angle*distance. The rms values are done similarly, and are quoted in both rms micro-radians, and FWHM spot size. Remember rms and FWHM are not the same.